Pura Vida: A Costa Rican Adventure

This particular blog post diverges from my usual content. Amidst the gloomy Boson weather and the slowdown of the wedding industry during winter, it seemed like an ideal moment to seek solace in the balmy climate of Central America.

Costa Rica has completely captured my heart. From encountering some of the most genuinely kind and generous individuals to marveling at the vibrant creatures of the forest, this country is undeniably remarkable!

San Jose, Costa Rica

Our inaugural day in Costa Rica began with an early rise from the Parque del Lago Boutique Hotel, greeted by a delectable spread featuring an assortment of beans, plantains, and vibrant fresh fruits—the best beginning of our adventure. It had been years since I last set foot in Central America, and the city's lively commotion and cheerful hustle enveloped me as we made our way to the central market.

The streets were full of activity and vendors as we journeyed deep underground into the labyrinth of market stalls, spanning three floors, each vying for our attention with promises of delectable delights. Witnessing a man down a shot of tomato juice with a turtle egg (apparently for strength), observing the skilled butchering of a shark, and discovering the intriguing world of medicinal herbal remedies—albeit with flavors that left much to be desired—added layers of fascination to our exploration.

Amidst our wanderings, we stumbled upon a busy ice cream stand, its legacy stretching back to the early 1900s, offering only a single flavor. With just one taste (okay, not just one; we came back to the stall and got another cup because it was so good), we were transported to culinary delight; with four distinct spices, the ice cream was truly extraordinary (fun fact, my moms promised in their wedding vows to one another that they would always encourage each other to have as much ice cream as their hearts desired, this is a promise that my family takes to heart).

As the sun began to set, we cheered with a cold Costa Rican Imperial beer, a fitting conclusion to our first day.

Parque del Lago Boutique Hotel City view of San Jose Costa Rica as woman looks out hotel window
Daytime view of the National Stadium Of Costa Rica Soccer stadium in San Jose, Costa Rica
Red flowers bloom on trees in city center of San Jose financial district Costa Rica
San Jose Financial District Costa Rica with KFC and flower shop
Fruit vendors sell to tourists in Central Market of San Jose Costa Rica
Fruit Stand in Central Market of San Jose Costa Rica
Our Lady of Mercy Church with red shingles and Palm Tree in San Jose Costa Rica
View of city San Jose, pink flowering tree and local bus through window of Parque del Lago Boutique Hotel in San Jose Costa Rica

Traveling to La Fortuna

Today was an exhilarating journey filled with winding roads, the faint scent of sulfur, and some hiking. Our expedition took us from the bustling streets of San Jose, winding through majestic mountains to reach the enchanting destination of La Fortuna. Along the way, we found ourselves immersed in the lush canopy of the jungle, where we were treated to a mesmerizing display of avian life, vibrant frogs, and an array of colorful creatures.

Descending on a short hike, we were greeted by the breathtaking sight of four majestic waterfalls, their cascading mists leaving us in awe. Upon reaching our hotel, Arenal Manoa, at the foot of La Fortuna, we swam in one of the local hot springs, its pristine waters flowing from the depths below, offering us a serene retreat from the day's adventures.

View of La Fortuna scenery out of private transfer window
Farmer herds cows up grassy pathway in La Fortuna Costa Rica
Toucan's feathers fold on top of each other at La Paz Waterfall Garden's in La Fortuna
Orange butterfly lands on green plant at La Paz Waterfall Gardens in La Fortuna Costa Rica
Green frog sleeps on leaf at La Paz Waterfall Gardens in La Fortuna Costa Rica
Old monstera deliciosa leafs silhouetted with the sky at Hotel Arenal Manoa

The Volcanoes and Waterfalls of La Fortuna

La Fortuna's history with the Arenal Volcano is pretty fascinating. Before 1968, the volcano was quiet for ages. But then it suddenly erupted, putting on a wild show with lava, ash, and smoke. It was like a wake-up call for the whole region.

After the eruption, La Fortuna became a hot spot for tourists and adventurers. People came from all over to see the volcano and explore the surrounding rainforests. Over time, Arenal settled down, but its legacy remained.

Today, La Fortuna still attracts visitors eager to experience nature up close. (Although I usually try to avoid tourist traps at all costs, this place was too beautiful to miss.)

During our stay at Hotel Arenal Manoa in La Fortuna, we didn't just admire the volcano from afar—we dove right into the adventure.

One day, we soared through the air on zip lines, feeling the rush as we zipped over half a kilometer above the lush canopy below.

It was an exhilarating way to take in the beauty of the rainforest: my ears are still ringing, who knew ziplining could be so loud?

Another day, we embarked on a hike to the breathtaking waterfalls. The descent was easy, but I won't lie—the climb back up had us regretting every extra snack we indulged in. But the view and swimming below the cascading water were totally worth it.

And then, we had the chance to catch up with a family friend who lives in the area. She started a school in the area nearly 20 years ago and now runs an eco-friendly cocoa plantation, called Two Little Monkies, just outside of town. Walking through the rows of cocoa plants, we learned about the meticulous process of growing and harvesting the beans! We also made our own chocolate which was heavenly!

Our time in La Fortuna wasn't just about sightseeing—it was about immersing ourselves in the heart of Costa Rica, embracing every thrilling moment, and making unforgettable memories along the way.

Clouds cover the Arenal Volcano in La Fortuna Costa Rica
Greenery covers path to the spa at Hotel Arenal Manoa in La Fortuna Costa Rica
Fruiting palm trees along walk way at Hotel Arenal Manoa La Fortuna Costa Rica
Excellent swimming location La Fortuna waterfall in Costa Rica
Lush Greenery along La Fortuna Waterfall in Costa Rica

The Cloud Forests of Monteverde

Oh, Monteverde, I am simultaneously in love and brokenhearted by this place. During our stay at Cloud Forest Lodge in Monteverde, a huge focus of our experience was learning about Monteverde's climate crisis. The rising temperatures of the Earth pose an imminent threat to this precious ecosystem, disrupting the delicate balance of life. In the next 15 years, predictions indicate that it will no longer be a cloud forest, but rather turn into a rainforest, endangering or driving many animals to extinction as they have nowhere else to go. The unique biodiversity, including iconic species like the quetzal, howler monkeys, and sloths, is at great risk as heat alters rainfall patterns and diminishes essential cloud cover. Despite dedicated conservation efforts, rampant deforestation and habitat loss exacerbate the situation. Urgent action is crucial to safeguard Monteverde's natural wonders and ensure a sustainable future for its inhabitants. Time is of the essence in the battle to combat climate change and preserve this ecological treasure

Monteverde Cloud Forest Green Canopy in Santa Elena Costa Rica
Teal hummingbird sits on branch in Monteverde Cloud Forest in Santa Elena Costa Rica
Toucan sits on tree branch in Monteverde Cloud Forest in Santa Elena Costa Rica
Capuchin monkey climbs up tree in Monteverde Cloud Forest in Santa Elena Costa Rica
Howler monkey hangs from tree with tail monkey climbs up tree in Monteverde Cloud Forest in Santa Elena Costa Rica

Heading to Manuel Antonio

Today, our journey took us to the stunning shores of Manuel Antonio, but not before we made a quick stop along the banks of the Rio Tarcoles. Stretching about 100 kilometers, this beautiful river winds its way from Carara National Park's northern boundary all the way to the Pacific.

Before the iconic crocodile bridge was created, crossing the Rio Tarcoles was quite a challenge, with the only means of crossing being a diminutive wooden ferry. I was so glad to get to see these creepy creatures from afar.

Crocodile man boat tour on the Rio Grande in Costa Rica
Bird flies by crocodile man boat tour on the Rio Grande in Costa Rica
Birds fly with city view in background during crocodile man boat tour on the Rio Grande in Costa Rica
Ocean view of Santa Elena town and beach in Costa Rica

The Sandy Beaches of Manuel Antonio

Nestled in the stunning landscapes of Costa Rica lies Manuel Antonio National Park, a paradise for nature and beach lovers. Here I was captivated by the park's diverse array of monkeys, including howler monkeys, capuchins, and squirrel monkeys.

What stood out to me most, however, was the genuine kindness of the Costa Rican people. They were dedicated to preserving the park's beauty in an eco-friendly manner, evident through the efforts of park rangers and local residents alike.

My time in Manuel Antonio deepened my appreciation for nature and the importance of sustainability. Costa Rica's commitment to preserving its natural treasures makes it a truly remarkable place.

Palm trees on beaches of Manuel Antonio Costa Rica
Squirrel monkey climbs palm trees on beaches of Manuel Antonio Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio National Park Costa Rica
Palm trees outside of Manuel Antonio National Park Costa Rica
Boats go around the coast of Manuel Antonio National Park Costa Rica
Swimmers snorkel next to Manuel Antonio National Park Costa Rica
Street vendor sells snowcones on Manuel Antonio National Park Beach Costa Rica
Sun sets over Manuel Antonio National Park Costa Rica
Sun sets over Manuel Antonio National Park Costa Rica

We are incredibly thankful for the opportunity to work alongside the exceptional Roberto Lizano from Elemento Natural. His expertise in trip planning ensured an unforgettable experience for us. Following his itinerary, we immersed ourselves in exploring breathtaking natural wonders while staying true to our commitment to eco-consciousness. We would recommend reaching out to him at robertolizano@elementonatural.com for help planning your own Costa Rican adventure!


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