welcome to

the blog

Few things hold as much beauty as a photograph that captures the essence of love—the gleam in a gaze, the warmth of a smile, or the quiet tenderness of an embrace. These are the moments of connection and intimacy that deserve to be cherished.

Through my blog, I aim to share your stories and extraordinary moments with grace, offering a space where the power of love is celebrated, and where these memories can be treasured by all.

Weddings Annalee Durland-Jones Weddings Annalee Durland-Jones

Summer Garden Wedding at the Woodstock Inn and Resort

Amy and Wesley's wedding at the Woodstock Inn and Resort was a beautiful celebration of love, connection, and creativity, held in the heart of summer. As engineers with a methodical yet creative approach, they tackled their wedding planning with the same precision they might use for a project at work: spreadsheets, checklists, and frequent chats with family and friends were all part of the process. The result was an intimate, joyful gathering that perfectly reflected their personalities and priorities.

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